It's been a while to post a entry despite having a lot of things to write about. First of all, I am going to write about the long weekend (2 weekends before). It was about local booze tasting tour by ourself.
が、その前に、上の写真は私が最近仕上げた絵。実はだいぶ前から両親に、彼等のマンションの壁に飾る絵を頼まれていたのでした。最初はバンクーバーの街を描き始めたのですが、今一乗らない...そして気がついたんだけれど、その絵は全く個人的じゃ無いって事。観光局のオーダーじゃあるまいし、もちろんバンクーバーは絵の題材に相応しい、美しい街なんだけど、両親の為に娘が描くべき絵は他にあるんじゃないか、と。で、描きかけの絵を真っ白に塗りつぶして、基。古い家族写真を探し出して、思い出の一コマを元に描いてみました。私は古い時代のヨーロッパのグレートアーティスト達より、もっと近代のちょっとポップっぽい、例えば Wayne Thiebaud, David hockney や Edward hopperなんかが好きなので、そういう傾向で描いてみました。出来はともかく、久々の大きな絵(121cm x91cm アクリル絵具、キャンパス)を何とか仕上げたので満足。フレームは木製をグレーに塗ったもので夫が作ってくれました。両親は今いちピンと来なかった様で、その反応にはちょっとがっかりしたのですが、後からこれを見た、やはりアーティストの弟が大絶賛してくれたので良しとします。
But before that, Let me introduce my newly finished painting for my parents commission. They asked me for a painting to put on they big unoccupied wall for a while before, and I actually started out with Vancouver cityscape. However, I could not get into it at all and thought why not so. And then I came up with idea that I should paint with more personal manner as a daughter who was painting for her parents, not for commission for Tourism Vancouver or something, even though beautiful Vancouver was worth to be a good subject for any paintings. I pained white over it on the canvas to renew it and I dug into a box for our old family photo and painted based on it. I prefer contemporary pop-ish painters' ways better than older European, great painters' ones, such as paintings from Wayne Thiebaud, David hockney and Edward hopper or so, so my painting would be influenced by them a bit. Whatever the outcome is, I was just satisfied that I could complete relatively big painting ("48 x "36 Acrylic on canvas)! But my parents reactions when they saw it first time wasn't the way I expected and that made me a bit disappointed though. However, when my brother, who is also an artist, saw it later, he gave me a great compliment of it so that made my day.
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Here, the main topic comes.
It was on Friday of a long weekend 2 weekends ago, Our long-waited local craft beer brewing's eatery has finally opened in our neighbourhood, a minute away from us. So we went there on the opening night of course. So we started our long weekend with that. And also we found out that a new cider brewer was going to open on Sunday in the same city as us and held the opening free cider tasting event there, so we added it to a list of what to do in the long weekend too. And then it tuned out more if it because my friend decided to join us to go there together.
So the first place to go was Fraser Valley Cider Company.
It was a middle of huge Langley's farm land like that.
We were offered 4 liked of cider for tasting, started form dry to sweet.
That was own by a couple.
Of course we bought one. Our choice was second dry, well balanced, and called House. Even the sweetest one wasn't too bad as that sweeten by their own honey from the yard.
On the way back to our town, there were few wineries there so we could't help stopping by, well it was for my friend though! lol. So first winery to stop by was Backyard Vineyard.
We could choose 4 kinds out of their menu for $5 and if you bought a bottle, tasting wasn't charged.
We picked 2 whites and 2 reds. They were good.
Next stop was Krause Berry Farms for Fruits wine.
I think I have already written about it before but there were many things there other than wines such as seasonal pies, desserts, jams, goods and U-pick. It was very fun place to go. even though my friend disliked sweet tasting booze, she admitted how dry and good their fruits wines were. We tried may be 6 kind of wines made of blue berry, rhubarb, raspberry and strawberry and so on. My friend bought a bottle as well so the tasting wasn't charged again. Their bar stools were made of saddles. It so Langley. lol.
And the last stop was there, even we went there on Friday, our beloved (well mainly by my hubby, lol) neighbour brewing, Trading Post. Pics of it are from Friday and Sunday both days.
Their trademark.
It used to be an old, cabin-like detached cafe, so their ceiling was high with a handing canoe. It looks cool and cozy.
ラングレー市内にブリュアリーがオープンしたのは少し前なので、このフライト(お試しセット)は2度目ですが、新しいく加わったビールを試したかったので。1つ4oz x4種類で16oz (ounce)、1パイントになります。ま、大きいグラス1杯分。
We have tasted their flight before at their tasting room where has opened preceded the eatery, but we tried it again on opening day with new beers. It as 4 oz x4 =16 oz, the same amount as a pint.
That was my choice of 4. I liked them all but especially Saison. It was lighter than my favourite IPA yet fruity as IPA. I thought it was perfect for summer.
On Sunday with my friend we sat on a patio table. The patio was spacious, and close to our place as we could almost see our place :D
Food we tried were... ( I forgot a pic of mussels) from top left, All Dressed Caesar, Spaghetti Puttanesca, Confit Duck Tacos, House Tortilla Chips and Short Rib Poutine, and Crispy Confit Wings. Yum yum! My beer on Sunday was 12 oz Saison.
When you finish 4 places of tasting, even you tasted only small amount of booze from each places, you would be tipsy at least! lol. It was a fun activity though.
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It's not relevant to the topic but I love peonies and I found that peony stand at the neighbour farmers market on the same weekend. It was only $6 for a bunch with 7 stems with many blossoms and buds! I picked only pale pink ones.
Photos of mine with Instagram's filter look nice, aren't they?
Since my house is kind of like farm house / country style, so I think the flower is suitable for my interior. What do you think?
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