Friday, 24 February 2017

バレンタインズデー、春?そしてジュエリー制作。Valentaine's day, spring has come?, and Jewelry making.




I thought that the spring has come once but it was snowing last night...that has to be the last one in this year, please!!!

This entry is random, about a city and a countryside, and starting with Valentine's day.


Flowers and card would be must items for girls. So my husband gave these flower to me by my request. He has stopped to buy me Chrysanthemum which is typical FUNERAL flowers in Japan, lol, but he still needs a suggestion to get right ones for me? lol. Ranunculus.


We went for dinner to nearby brewing restaurant becouse they had special beer matching course menu at that night. A nice musician was there too. I wore a heart shaped locket where my beloved kitty picture is in.

Here is the special menu. 


It was so good and was totally different from they regular pub-ish menu. I want them in the regular menu from now on. 

♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎

Here are some random pictures from Vancouver where I still miss a lot. 

It was nothing special but colours of sky in the evening. Beautiful!


This one is the view from my parent’ room on the 40th floor. I saw unique cloud hover over inlet. I have never been, I will never be tired of  beauty of Vancouver. 


This huge art installation in East Vancouver is already famous but actually is created by one of my respectable teachers at the university. When I was in Studio Art in Capilano U,  I took his painting courses for 2 years straight. His paintings are also so beautiful!

And we got together with some friends at The Sandbar in Granville island the other night.


Since my parents took me there first time in 1995, It becomes one of my memorable, favourite places. I'm glad it's still there lively. It was for kind of pre-valentine's dinner with friends because one of my friend's very new boyfriend was visiting her from California for Valentine's day. We were a cute group of the high contrast as super tall white boys and tiny Japanese girls. lol.
 (I borrowed a picture)


Because I forgot to take pictures of all beautiful dishes as well, -too excited to eat! lol- I had only picture of our appetizer, a prawn cocktail, which was surprisingly huge to make me take a picture of. 
Everything tasted amazing.

こちらもバンクーバーダウンタウンですが、フェアモントパシシックリムホテルで2月末まで行われているJapan Unlayered というイベントを見に行き、そこで和菓子とほうじ茶のセットを頂きました。メインの目的は無印良品のポップアッポショップだったのですが、それ自体は小さすぎて何とも。でもMUJIの大きなお店が2店舗、今年の冬、バンクーバーにオープする事が決まったそうで、あ、それならいいや!と。いや、和菓子がおいしかったので良しとします。

Another day in Vancouver in Fairmont Pacific Rim Hotel, we had very nice Japanese tea and sweet sets, which was a part of the event called Japan Unlayered. (till the end of Feb.) My main interest of the event was to see a Muji pop up shop. The brand is very popular in Japan and in some other countries. That pop up shop was too small and not wowed me as I expected. However it's okay because they have announced that are going to bring two big, non-temporally shops in Vancouver in this winter. And a Japanese sweet satisfied me anyway. 

♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎

Some jewelry I made lately.
That One was for a commission. I already used 4 same stones in deferent design. In this time I came up with the idea that setting a stone horizontally even they have holes through vertically. I liked the result. 


They are for my daily use. I like using materials differently from the original way that it should be used. 


Just a simple set of tiny pure water pearls. I aimed this for causal yet elegant looking to wear. 


I potes it on a previous entry while I was thinking of a face. It was done like that and sole as a someone's baby shower gift.


The second crochet stuffing animal was rabbit. I heard that it has already been in a cute young girl's arms and been sleeping together with. I'm so happy about it.

♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎


The pictures from one day when I felt the spring around in Bedford channel of Fraser river. 

I can't wait to welcome REAL spring here! 

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