Sunday, 27 September 2015

カナディアンロッキーを超えて(5)恐竜の街、ドラムヘラー。Road trip (5). Dinosaur city, Drumheller.


We stayed at my husband's mom's house in East Coulee for 4 days. Around Drumheller including East Coulee was geologically unique. And a lot of dinosaur's fossils have found form those exposed ancient stratum. We didn't go there in this time but Royal Tyrrell Museum was worth to visit. 


These mushroom shaped rocks were called Hoodoos, which have been subjected to the erosion of wind and rain for thousands of years. 

The layered stratum with old deposits were beautiful.


There was a place very rocky and sandy desert like but another side was a green canyon. Anyways, it was breathtakingly wide.

Even it was like desert but a big river ran through it. It seemed to have more water in this season of the year there. 

When we went to one of the highest hill to watch sunset, we finally encountered wild animals, a herd deers! 


When they jumped to run away from the top of the hill, their cute and very white butts were flickered. 


It was a beautiful colour of the early fall there. The magnificent view made me realized that the earth is sphere. I would never get tired to watch those view. 


We went to such a place next day to find some petrified woods and (or) crystals. Even if you found a dinosaur fossil you can't bring it out of the site anyway. 

My husband was crazy about looking for cool stones so he would be like this all day long if there was nothing else to do. 

We found a bunch of petrified woods!


There looked like just white-ish pieces of wood at the first site but you could tell it was petrified or not when you picked it up because it was heavy. Some of them were partially replaced by crystals (minerals). I could't imagine how old they were. 

さて、ドラムヘラーのダウンタウンはおかしな所。小さなちょっとさびれた田舎街ですが、恐竜が至る所に。これなんか、ティラノサウルスの原寸より大きい?って原寸を知りませんが(笑)。とにかくWorld's Largest Dinosaurって名前らしいです。自由の女神みたいに中へ登れるようです。

Well, The town of Drumheller was such a funny place. It was a small, a bit deserted town though but dinosaurs were everywhere. This one would be bigger than real T-rex? Well, I don't know how big they could be though. Anyway, the name of it was World's Largest Dinosaur, and you could climb up inside of it like the Statue of Liberty.

A fashionable triceratops?

And a handsome Plesiosauria? 

Even someone's hedge was a shape of dinosaur. 

There was a fossil shop too. 

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にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログ カナダ情報へ

Friday, 25 September 2015

カナディアンロッキーを超えて(4)カルガリーから目的地のイーストクーリーへ。Road trip (4). Calgary to East coulee.


The morning of the fourth day of the trip in Calgary was not too bad. We were heading to Kensington, very stylish area of Calgary to find a nice cafe. 

In that area, a pub looked cool. 

One street away from main street, the residential area were also beautiful. 

We decided to get into that cafe. Inside was very spacious yet cozy. 

We had very light breakfast there. 


And while we are strolling around, we found a cute house where actually my husband mom used to have her own shop in it. It seemed like nothing changed since then, 20 years ago. I took a picture of it to show her later. 

お昼には、カルガリーに住んでいたお友達一押しのLina's italian cafeへ。イタリアンマーケットの中にあるダデリで、お店の中ではイタリア語が飛び交い、本当のイタリアに来た様。プロシュートのフォッカチャとラテをオーダー。シンプルだけど素材は本物の味でした。両方ともとっても美味しかったです。

We went to Lina's italian cafe where, was inside of a italian market, for lunch. My friend who used to live in Calgary strongly recommended to go there. Italian language was flying everywhere so I felt like bing in Italy. We ordered a prosciutto focaccia and a latte to share. They were simple yet very genuine taste and yummy. 


We also bought a pack of stuffed past there for dinner at mother-in-law's. And we also stopped by a organic super market and bought a lot of ingredients for 3 days for 3 of us at mom's. Then left Calgary for East Coulee where mom was waiting for us. 


While we were driving toward East for a hour and half, the view from our car was like that,  just wide open prairies. Nothing obstructed the road till it varnished at the horizon. 

And the clouds were like picture book illustration. 


Even wind turbines for electricity were picturesque. 
Once we left the highway, the road became unpaved. The view was gradually change form the prairie to Canyon-ish. While I was being captivated by the magnificent view, we were arrived East Coulee, the final destination of this trip. 


The small, quiet village where my husband's mom live was populated with only about 180 people, and 30 mins from Drumheller. Drumheller was famous for dinosaur's fossil excavation and its national museum. We stayed at mom's till Saturday morning, for 3 night and 4 days. My mission this time was to cook some good food for her who was bit out of shape, and off course to enjoy the unique nature there which I would never be tired to explore. Next post will be about it. 

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にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログ カナダ情報へ

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

カナディアンロッキーを超えて(3)バンフからカルガリーへ。Road trip (3). Banff to Calgary.


The third day of the trip was started in Banff downtown. The weather improved so I felt so good. Checked out hotel first and went out to the city. 

It seemed to snow over night so the city was sparking. 

Beautiful Bow river ran the edge of downtown. 

As a famous tourists destination, the horse carriage was a must item? 

Bird foot prints remained on the shallow snow. 


We crossed a bridge and walked round for a while. Then I took this picture, toward downtown,  at the second smaller bridge. We crossed it back to downtown. 


Ice glacier water of the river was crystal clear. We got into a cafe and looking around some shops. We peeked in a Christmas shop and the city was cover by slight snow so I felt like I skip all the fall and close to Christmas. And also I enjoyed feeling like I was in some where mountain resort in Europe. 


Good by Banff! I will visit you again, and also would say good by to this Rocky mountain scenery very soon. 


Here it was. We were getting closer to Calgary and the view form our car window became like this. This was also very iconic scenery of Canada, wide open space. 



At first, we stopped by a big shopping mall right outside of downtown Calgary for clothing shopping. It was nothing special from Vancouver but the difference was tax rate. You have to pay PST 7% and GTS 5% in BC but here in Alberta, there was no PTS required, so you would save 7%. The most of line-ups of shops and availabilities were the same in Vancouver and in Calgary so we decided to wait buying stuff till we got Calgary. It was just 7% each we saved but small things pile bigger, right?

Our hotel was in centre of downtown. The room was spacious with a kitchenet  and a living room but the ambiance was like just a business hotel so nothing write about. 


We searched for a nice restaurant for dinner online beforehand and heading toward it as looking around the city. It was bit too chilly to do that though. We just stopped by a small,  pretty park to see those installations, Gigantic rabbit lanterns. 

We saw Calgary tower behind them.


And the restaurant for that night was that, TASTE. It was a tapas bar. Inside of the shop was bit too dark for picture taking so I failed the most of shots, lol. We ordered a Bison tartar, a Macaroni and Cheese,  and a 3 kinds tomato salad. We shared a house made peach ice cream for dessert. 


It was a unique salad with 3 way cooking tomatso together, which were fresh, grilled, and pickled, on top of ricotta cheese. Yummy! Bison was iconic food of Alberta and every thing was so good! 


When you ask for a bill, many restaurant would bring it with candies for you or chocolates sometimes, but here, they gave us a couple of cup cakes. With first one bite (Well, it was a bite size though...) you could tell that it was nicely house made with simple ingredients.  Hmm yummy. It was a great restaurant again. 

↓クリックしてくださいね。ありがとう! Thanks you!
にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログ カナダ情報へ

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

カナディアンロッキーを超えて。ロードトリップ(2)。Road trip (2)


It was the second day of our trip. 
We left Revelstoke B.C. in the morning and heading toward Banff A.B.  The views form our car on the highway was getting more rocky. 


Rocky mountain range is about 4,800km, from New Mexico U.S.A. to B.C. Canada. To go to Alberta form our west coast, we had to go over Rocky mountains. 


Since #1 highway in this area was high elevation, the mountains we saw in far away were in the clouds. After few hours driving we paid to enter Yoho national park following by Banff national park continuously. And while we were driving in the park we crossed the provincial border and lost 1 hour due to time difference between B.C. and A.B. 


The first place we visited in Banff national park was Moraine Lake. The weather was getting worse and very chilly, and even snow stated falling. Despite of the bad weather the lake was still beautiful enough to me.

It was around 23 Cº in Revelstoke a day before, so it was difficult to adjust.

I tried to be a right (or typical) tourist like this in front of a souvenir shop. lol

Can you see the snow falling in the picture? We were heading to Lake Louise. 


Even though the weather was unfortunate, look at this! It was still breathtaking. Lake Louise would be the most popular destination in the national parks in Canadian Rocky. I have come here may be twice before and last one was may be 15 years ago in Summer. The lake shinning under the sun was of course strikingly stunning. However, I found that I loved the scene with the very serene and chilly lake in the misty rain. I felt like I was cleansed by the crispy clear air. 
There was the gorgeous hotel called Fairmont Château Lake Louise right in front of the lake but I thought that that was "I wouldn't be able to afford or wouldn't be going to pay that much for a hotel room" kind of place. 


It was too cold to keep on sightseeing so we decided to move to downtown Banff. On the way of it we stopped by a cute restaurant. 


From the window right beside our table, a wooden bear was peeking in. Chipmunks were running around the restaurant but they were too fast to take a picture. Our server told us that she just saw grizzly bears around so we were hopeful to see them, however, we had no luck with any other animal encounters but chipmunks. 


Instead of it, we enjoyed this amazing view though. Because we experienced a chilly winter like snowing/raining day just one day after a nice and mild late summer day, we felt like we flew to somewhere abroad. 


Well, we finally arrived downtown Banff. It's also been 15 years since I came here last time?  It was a beautiful city as well and was bustle with bunch of people. 


By the way, our hotel room was in Banff Park Lodge at that night and it had a big jucuzzi tub right next to a bed instead of in the bath room! lol

Park Distillery Restaurant + Bar です。自家製ウィスキーを作っているお店。ウィスキーを飲むつもりはなかったので、どうかな、と思いましたが、ビールのメニューもなかなかだし、お料理が個性的で美味しかった!

And the restaurant we spontaneously chose for dinner was right place for us!  It was called Park Distillery Restaurant + Bar.  We were not really interested in a distillery at first though. However, they had a good selection of beer too and food was outstanding. 

The interior was also cool. Mountain country style (?) and contemporary style mix. I consider it as very Banff style. 

Distill machines.

私達のオーダーは、ロブスターロールと、マヒマヒの ケバブ+パイナップルソースと、ベリーや梨やナッツが沢山入ったハイカーボールサラダにグリルドチキンを追加したもの。どれもとーっても美味しかったです。

Dishes we ordered were Lobster rolls, Grilled fish kebabs with pineapple sauce, and Hiker bowl salad added grilled chicken. We enjoyed them all!


We came back hotel as shivering with cold air outside so we could't help to be attracted to a fire place in the hotel lounge. We both had Specialty coffee, B-52 with white chocolate infused cream on top! Hmm yummy. 
After that we enjoyed watching movie as soaking in the giant tub in the room.  It was a nice night! 

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にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログ カナダ情報へ