Thursday 9 April 2015

シャクヤクの花。日本の食を紹介する興味深いテレビ番組。My peony. Interesting TV programs which introduce Japanese food culture.


I've abandoned my peony since we moved to the place, however, it's buds, 4 of them are going to bloom soon! yay! 
I once talk about it with a Canadian and a Singaporean friends at school and realized that peony was both very oriental, yet western perception of flower. One of my favourite flowers.

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The weather is fantastic today was well, so I wanted to go to Vancouver with my husband who is going there to play beach volleyball. He will have some nice beer after that with his team mates and I wanted to join that. 
However, I'm not still perfect feeling to to that because my medication makes me bit weird feeling. Well, not really sick but also feel tired to do something. I don't think I can paint for a commission since my hands are still trembling. So I've gotten bored. 


So,  (so what?)  I'm going to introduce a couple of my favourite TV program. 
We have changed our cable company when we moved into the house so the program line-up become different from before. I discovered some of my new favourite programs then.


I don't have a Japanese program and I hardly watch Japanese stuff on the internet. I haven't gone to Japan for 10 years either so I have no update information of Japan. But I found it's interesting to watch that foreign TV program is especially a feature on Japan. 

Destination Flavour: Japan  デスティネーションフレーバー ジャパン

Adam Liawという男性が、日本を北海道から沖縄まで、主要都市でレストランを紹介したり、地元の人達との交流を通してその土地の食べ物や文化を学び、そこから一つ料理の作り方を紹介し、それをまた地元の人と分け合って食べる、という番組。

Adam Liaw introduces Japanese food culture in major cities form Hokkaido to Okinawa, form north to South in Japan. It seems like his back ground is Singapore/New Zealand but he communicates with Japanese local people in Japanese and tastes and learns how to cook and finally share it with people.


Actually I don't know well Japanese locals but Tokyo so I could learn something from this program. When it comes to my husband who has never been to any asian countries, fascinated by difference of food culture of Japan. It was very good preview of Japan where I plan to take him very soon.

そしてもうひとつ、ガストチャンネルから、Sachie's Kitchen
And one more form Gust Channel. Sachie's Kitchen

Sachie's Kitchen

こちらはSache Nomuraというニュージーランドの女性が日本へ行き、デパチカやレストランで庶民の味を体験、紹介して、それをさらに、ニュージーランドの地元のスーパーで材料をそろえ、時には代用品、時には彼女なりのアレンジで、作り方をレクチャーしながら再現するという番組。

She is New Zealander who's back ground is Japanese obviously. She goes to Japan and visit casual diners or grocery shops and learns ingredient and the way it should be. Then comes back to her kitchen in New Zealand and lectures how to cook a particular menu with local ingredient.
I think it's useful when you want to cook Japanese food in foreign countries.


It's very interesting to see my origin as one of foreign audience. And also it is an opportunity to be proud of my origin. Japan is a very syokju profound country.
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