Wednesday 4 March 2015

異常気象?Abnormal weather?


It's very sunny today again. However, it was -3 degrees in the morning! It's so extreme. it's 9 now though. I was a bit surprised by that low temperature in the morning because I've already gotten used to live in this early spring weather lately. When I recalled that how is the weather usually in this season like, Hmm, maybe this year is abnormal. I think we had some snowy days in March last few years and Vancouver is supposed to be in the rainy season till April from October anyway. Therefore Ski areas in north shore mountains finally got snow back today and were re-open. The cherry trees are in almost full bloom now. I wondered if all cherry flowers were gone before April when the biggest Japanese cherry blossom festival happens.


This flower tree we have is supposed to bloom in late April, I guess, but look at the buds. 


And the wild violets are everywhere around us. 


The same country in east side is still suffering from harsh winter so it makes me even feel bad for this spring things here. South west coast in BC is exceptionally warm compere to other places in Canada though. Temperature difference is not great as around 1 to 25 degrees throughout the year originally.  I worry about global warming. 

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